Wednesday, December 10, 2008

one pager

Shawnee McPhail

ONE PAGER Encouraging Diversity in the Classroom

I. Your Research Question(s)

a. What is Diversity?

b. How do we encourage diversity in the classroom?

c. How do we encourage diversity with the presence of CSAPs?

d. How does the importance of diversity in the classroom change from elementary school to high school?

e. How does grammar usage and correction play into encouraging diverse learning?

II. List of your Primary Sources

a. Liza Bauer (High School Teacher)

b. Anusha Rangawamy (Indian-American parent)

c. Cecile (6TH Grade teacher at Harris Bilingual)

d. Mary Shaffer (Parent of HS student, and middle school teacher)

III. Major Findings

a. Diversity meant similar things

b. How to implement diversity was drastically different

c. Parent’s expectations and teacher’s expectatiosn differed

d. Diversity is less encouraged as time progessed in education

e. Teachers did not feel adequately educated in specifically promoting diversity in terms of grammar or in general

IV. Implications/Future Questions

a. How do we reconcile these differences?

b. How do we encourage diversity and community participation with other engagements?

V. List of Secondary Sources:

Cruz, MaryCarmen. "Can English Language Learners Acquire Academic English?" English Journal 93 (2004).


VII. Gammell, Rebecca. "Encouraging Student Voice in Academic Writing." English Journal 98 (2008).


IX. Lindbolm, Kenneth. "Teaching English in the World." English Jouranl 94 (2005).